Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pourvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?

Nothing too exciting to talk about since the last update that I can think about right now. I'm also feeling lazy. Went to see caspa/rusko while rolling, that was pretty awesome. Saw Grizzly Bear with Beach House which was also awesome. Also saw Why? a few days ago, which was great as well. I've been through another bad spout of homesickness. Been drunk a lot. The usual. But things shall be getting exciting real soon.

My mark on Europe continues tomorrow. My flight to Paris is Friday at 6am and the latest I can take a train to the airport is Thursday, arriving at 10:30. This means I get to hang out in an airport for 7 hours, while staying up all night! WOOHOO!!! My plan is to hit up the airport bar to kill that time. Maybe I can strike up a conversation with an old man about how life sucks or how weird it seems to eat snails. Once I get to Paris, I seriously have no idea how I'm going to get to my hostel once I land. I've tried to figure out how and I just don't understand. I'm going to really piss the French off trying to get help to get there. I just made like 10 flash cards of some really basic French phrases to try and help me get to my destination. Once I'm there, Charlotte can do all the translating for the weekend. Considering the French are known to hate tourists, I don't think they will be very friendly to a drunk american at 8am who doesn't know a word of French. I'm sure a good story will come out of this at the least. Anyway, I should have a big long update with tons of pictures after the next couple of weeks, which brings me to Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, back to Brighton, then London for a week with my pep pep. I am so excited, this is truly epic. I should have some periodic internet access so hopefully I can stay in touch. I hope everything goes swell back home! After this things should fly by until summer, I can't fucking wait.

Keep it real.

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