Saturday, January 16, 2010


Finally got all my classes straightened out. My schedule is pretty sweet. Wednesday sucks because I have a 9am, but every other day starts at either 11 or 12 and I have no class on Friday. The courses I'm taking are Society, State, and Humanity (Phil), Making of Modern Europe(Govt), Politics of Governance: European Union (Govt), and Comparative Societies (Soc). I must be one of the few students at Sussex with a diverse schedule like this, as it seems students here have to strictly take courses in there major or minor. My sociology seminar teacher seems like he has the potential to be one of the coolest teachers I've ever had. We spent most of the first seminar discussing how we would like to run it, he talked about how he hated school and would never give out essays and exams if it were up to him (making I funny joke about Karl Marx writing the communist manifesto in an hour and a half in silence with no food or drink), and mentioned that he was going to a slayer concert soon.

Last night was dubstep night at one of the campus bars. Dubstep seems bigger here than back in America. It was a lot of fun, but I got far to drunk. I barely remember stumbling home, but I'm pretty sure I left a trail of what I drank that night if anyone was trying to follow. I also have a painful bump on my head that I have no clue how I sustained. It's strange that on the weekdays everyone goes out clubbing and bar hoping but on the weekends everyone stays on campus to party. No idea what's in store for tonight. Also, I can't figure out how to turn the italics off of this post, so sorry for that.

Last night I went to a club called Coalition. It was fun, but I wasn't too into the music. Apparently it was "cheese night" so they were playing cheesy songs, mostly crap from the 80s. With drinks and dancing you can't really complain though. Here are a couple pics of the club scene:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey matt, im really happy for you! there is lots of good dubstep around in the uk. if you ever get to go to london check out Brixton.